Please visit the Head's blog frequently for news, information and communications from Trenode Primary Academy.
End of Summer Term 2
As we approach the end of this memorable school year, we reflect on the wonderful experiences and achievements we have shared. This year has been marked by numerous exciting events and activities which have not only been educational but also incredibly enjoyable.
One of the highlights was our visits to the beach. The joy of feeling the warm sand between your toes and the refreshing splash of the waves will surely be cherished memories for many years. The surfing trips were an exhilarating adventure where everyone had the chance to learn new skills and embrace the thrill of riding the waves.
Furthermore, our Activity Week was a resounding success! It was a week filled with diverse activities that catered to all interests, from arts and crafts to sports and teamwork challenges. Each activity was carefully designed to encourage creativity, collaboration, and a sense of accomplishment.
In addition to the fun, we also undertook the important task of litter picking in our local community. This initiative not only helped to keep our environment clean but also instilled in us the value of responsibility and the importance of taking care of our surroundings.
Finally, we cannot forget the spectacular performance of our 'Pantaastic' play. Your hard work and dedication were evident in every scene, and it was a delight to see each of you shine on stage. The play was not merely a performance but a testament to your creativity and teamwork.
As we prepare to move on to new adventures, let's carry these experiences and lessons with us. Have a fantastic summer holiday, and remember to always aim high and be the best version of yourselves.
Year 6 SATS
A huge well done to our 2 Year 6 pupils for
completing their SATs. They came in early for breakfast and revision
and applied themselves tremendously making everyone proud. We then celebrated
by taking them to McDonalds on Friday (at their request) and they had the
afternoon outside playing and relaxing which was very well deserved. I'd like
to say a special thanks to all the staff during SATs week who allowed Mr. Abraham and myself to support Year 6 and to all the children who showed
respect, patience, and support during this time.
We have now finished our swimming lessons for this year for the whole school. The children have progressed very well over the weeks but we'd still like to encourage parents to take their children swimming to become even more confident. Living by the coast, means that this is a life skill and we want to children to be confident and safe when swimming. We finished the swimming sessions looking at what to do if you are not safe in the water and how to get help or help others.
Assessments for other year groups
Week commencing 10th June
- Year 1 phonics screening. Children will
read 40 words as part of this assessment to assess
their understanding of sounds and word recognition. Please continue
to read with your child as much as possible, to
support their fluency skills.
Week commencing 10th June
- Year 4 multiplication check. Children will
have to recall 25 multiplication questions on an iPad with 6
seconds to answer each question. Please use the QR
code which was sent out to practice this with your child. Also, you can use TTRockstars
to build up their speed and confidence.
Freezer Fri-Yay has already brought in over £120 over the last 4 weeks and we'd like to thank-you for this support. It has been a very big hit
with the children. We will continue with this until the end of the summer term.
Our school disco raised just over £90 last week!
The PTFA bought board games for the school as part of our social skills development once a week. School council took ownership of collating the games requests and they are being enjoyed thoroughly each week.
We will be looking at booking in an alternative sports day
including mini-segways in first half term back for the whole school using money
raised by the PTFA in the summer term.
Year 5/6 visit to Looe Community Academy
Year 5 and 6 spent the morning at LCA to take part in science activities. They looked at the process of fireworks in chemistry, burning foods to look at energy in physics and looking through microscopes in biology.
Wedding bells
Cardinham class are learning about how different religions show love through weddings and this week, the children took part in a Christian wedding. We had our bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid and entourage with Haribo rings and confetti.
The beauty of nature
I had to share this photo that a parent sent in of one of our Year 5's with his newly born bull calf that he helped come into this world. He was able to show the amazing perseverance farmers go through when a cow is in labour (5 days for this cow!) but we loved the updates and it was a time to reflect on the incredible work farmers do!
Calendar dates
Monday 6th May-Bank holiday
Week com. 13th May-Year 6 SATs week
Thursday 16th May-PTFA School Disco
Tuesday 21st May-Bags2School
Friday 24th May-INSET day
We have started back in the summer term with a bang!
School Vision
After some reflection, we have decided to change our school vision to 'Let your light shine before others'. We wanted to encompass our family ethos where we work together to thrive. We have created a firefly display to show that one firefly can light up but if we have a group of fireflies, they shine even brighter. I have been extremely impressed that by the end of our first week, 100% of the children could articulate our new vision and explain what it means.
Cornwall Library Service
The children were thrilled to have a visit on the library van that arrived. Every child was able to choose a book from the van to have in the school to encourage reading for pleasure. Our KS1 children couldn't believe that a van has been transported into a library!
RNLI assembly
We had a visit from two lifeguards who talked to us about beach safety. They were very impressed with the knowledge the children had about being safe whilst on the beach and in the sea.
We were invited to a trust event at Looe Primary alongside the rest of our 14 schools to take part in an alternative sports day.
The children completed fencing, mini segwaying, street surfing and ultimate frisbee. We loved how fearless the children were at exploring new sports and showed resilience and teamwork with each other.
Monday-Whole school trip to the Eden Project-please ensure your child arrives by 8:45 at the very latest.
Tuesday-Easter service at St Wenna's church at 9am
Wednesday-Learning exhibition and PTFA refreshments and raffle from 2:30-3:15pm.
Thursday-1:30pm finish for the end of term.
St Piran's Day
On Tuesday we had St Piran's day. The whole school created nets using a 3D template and decorated with all things Cornish. They were creating the boxes to hold the scones that they baked in the afternoon. As well as baking, in the afternoon, we also created a Cornish map using collage and the children decorated their own Celtic crosses. We were lucky with the weather and managed to do some orienteering where the children spelt out something very important to Cornish people "Jam first, cream second".
World Book Day
We had an amazing array of costumes for World Book Day. Cardinham class spent the afternoon creating animations based on popular picture books such as Alien loves Underpants, Handa's Surprise and We're going on a bear hunt. Kilminorth class transformed potatoes into book characters using their art skills. They used their knowledge of mixing paints to get specific colours and created characters like the 3 little pigs, Peter Rabbit and Rapunzel.
A reminder that it is parent consultations next week.
We have had a very busy half term!
As part of the annual NSPCC Number Day, we invited the wonderful volunteers in to deliver workshops to Year 2 and 6 whilst the rest of the school took part in a range of activities linking to numbers/maths.
Year 5/6 visits to Looe Community Academy
Looe Community Academy have invited us to two events this half term. One event was linking to languages where the children were learning Spanish. The other event was linking to PSHE where the children took part in a range of activities linking to Safer Internet Week.
School Disco
Our PTFA organised a school disco in the last week. Children enjoyed their usual hot dog, refreshments and tuck shop alongside some dancing. We raised over £100 so thank-you to all parents who supported and a special thank-you to our PTFA for organising the event.
Pop Up Play
We invited our friends from Barbican Pre School and West Looe Playgroup to join us with a Pop Up Play morning. We had a range of role play areas set up to develop the children's imaginative skills. It was also wonderful to see them develop with their communication and social skills across the 3 different settings. We look forward to working with the local pre schools throughout the rest of the year.
Enrichment opportunities
Even though it has been a short half term, we have still been out and about in the community. Kilminorth class visited a Chinese restaurant. Please find below our calendar dates for Spring term 2 with further additional experiences for the children.
Image Gallery
This week, we have had a spirituality day and it was a fabulous day in the beautiful, crisp, cold weather.
We are starting our journey with spirituality where the children are able to articulate this and where we can use it in everyday scenarios.
We define spirituality as:
"Spirituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions and taking time to stop, reflect and focus on the world God has created for us being aware of something 'bigger' outside of ourselves."
Our biggest achievement of the day was starting our spirituality garden. Just some of the skills that were used included: measurement to create a cross-shaped raised flower bed, teamwork, perseverance, patience, resilience, physical strength and creativity and we were blown away with the progress in one day. We will be developing this over this term.
In the classrooms, were looking at managing our 'fizz' (times when we might be anxious, angry, worried etc.) and then identified strategies such as yoga, mindfulness, calm areas, music etc. to reduce the fizz. We also came up with further designs using our IT skills to create a collage of ideas that can be added in our spirituality garden.
A huge thank-you to Kelly Edwards (our forest school specialist) who came in and supported the children with our new outdoor learning challenge.
Welcome back and we hope you had a lovely Christmas break!
Animation to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Bridge Schools
Although it was a short week, we ended the week celebrating the 10th anniversary of Bridge Schools. As part of this, all 14 schools in the trust created a short animation to show our trust values. This was then shared on a whole trust Teams meeting on Friday afternoon where we could watch the animation and hear from each school.
Afterschool clubs
Monday-Wellbeing club through creative arts with Miss Crabb
Tuesday-Eco/global neighbour club with Mrs. Pike
Thursday-Basketball club with Pro20
Friday-Cross country club with Mr. Abraham
Please ensure you email or speak to the office to book your child into the club.
Dates for your diary
A letter had been sent out today with all key dates for this half term.
Upcoming dates are:
Friday 19th January-East Cornwall Harriers cross country race
Wednesday 24th January-Cross country event at Looe Community Academy
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.