Head's Blog

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Week commencing 4th October 

Reading therapy dogs
We have been fortunate to team up with Hazel and her therapy dogs called Sophie and Woody to visit our school. This week, we had the wonderful Cocker Spaniel Woody over to read with a group of children to develop their reading ability and confidence. Our reading group wanted to keep reading and ended up reading for 30 minutes because they enjoyed completing this with their 'friend' listening. They will be in each week reading with a couple of groups and hopefully all children will get the opportunity to read and meet the dogs overtime. We look forward to meeting Sophie the Labrador next week.

One of the children said "It made me feel relaxed when reading to Woody and I want to keep doing it".

Harvest festival
A reminder for donations in preparation for our harvest festival next week. Please make sure your letter is brought in to allow us to sort out transport to the church.


Week commencing 26th September 

Social skills

Each week, we will be doing a 30 minute social skills lesson to develop our language, communication and interaction skills to support us in our learning and in all aspects of our lives. This week, the whole school came together working in partners/groups and it was amazing to see the fantastic collaborative activities. Each week, the children will complete a task together and over the next 4 weeks, the children will be doing a outdoor task using natural materials, a construction task using Lego, a creative task for our spirituality garden and playing board games. I was really impressed to hear the supportive nature of the children when they were problem solving and working together. I look forward to seeing these skills being used across the school day!

PE kit/Outdoor clothing
A reminder for full PE kit to be brought into school each week including outdoor clothing for when we complete outdoor learning. With the weather beginning to change, please make sure this includes warm clothing.

Dates for the diary
You will have received a letter identifying dates for the diary so please take a look if you have not done so already. Our first event coming up will be our Harvest service at St Wenna's church on Tuesday 11th October and more information will be sent out in the next few days.


Week commencing 19th September 

Peer collaboration
The children spent some time together as a whole school during an art lesson this week where Cardinham supported Kilminorth with their self portraits. They watch the clip called 'Austin's butterfly' and learned about peer critique and then supported the younger children improving their artwork. Cardinham found this harder than it looked as they had to use their language and speaking skills to articulate improvements rather than physically doing it for them which proved to be a great challenge. It was a delight to see such fantastic conversations and teamwork. 

Reading at home
We are beginning our reading champion bands again so please ensure that reading records and books are in every Wednesday and they will be returned on Friday with new books. A reminder to use Reading Eggs but please let Mrs. Pike or Mrs. David if you require your login.


Time for reflection 

It has been a reflective time for us as not just a school but as a nation. Last week, we spent some time looking at the queen's lifetime achievements and the children completed some lovely artwork and have painted some reflective pebbles for our spirituality garden. Our next project will be thinking of a creative way to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth

Today, we have talked about their experience yesterday with most of the school watching the funeral. We talked about how honoured many people were to be part of the procession and how it made us feel. The children reflected beautifully and were asking lots of sensible questions.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022 

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  All at Trenode Primary Academy are saddened by this news.  We held a collective worship this morning where we gave thanks and a prayed for the Queen.

We would like to express our condolences and our thoughts are with her family at this difficult time. 

The Bishop of Truro, Bishop Philip, has shared the following words: 

“I am greatly saddened to hear the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. She was born to a unique vocation, and it was one she took on with utmost seriousness.  Her long reign spanned some fundamental shifts within our society – among them seismic changes to the way we, as a society, view both the monarchy and religion.  And yet throughout that time she bridged different worlds and epochs in a remarkable manner and in way that provided a rare thread of stability and consistency. That speaks volumes about the faith which was the sure foundation of her life. She was not merely a titular figurehead in her role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England, but someone with a strong, firm, foundational and personal faith.

As Queen, she was the very embodiment of the virtue of duty: a sense of duty founded firmly on her faith. Her commitment, stamina and wisdom were rare, unquestionable and deeply admirable. She has shaped all our lives in incalculable ways.  We mourn her passing, and give our God great thanks for her.”

Gracious God, we give thanksfor the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,for her faith and her dedication to duty.Bless our nation as we mourn her deathand may her example continue to inspire us;through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen."


Good news for Trenode 

We had been waiting so long for Her Majesty's Inspector's to visit Trenode Primary Academy, so when we received 'the call' to tell us that they would be visiting on 10th and 11th May, we were delighted, although as you would expect, there was some trepidation.  We knew that the school was providing a wonderful education for the children, so it was a privilege to be able to share all that we have achieved with the two inspectors who spent time with us.

The staff and children have been working very hard and while it was about the whole school, the children really shone and showed that they love their school and that they knew how to learn.  The school was looking wonderful, the sun shone (some of the time!), the learning was engaging and inspiring and the inspectors were very impressed.

One of the comments in the report really showcased the school as a passionate church school: 'Pupils value the strong links with the church and use their 'Christian golden rules' to take responsibility for their words and actions.  They are kind and respectful towards everyone.'  What more could we ask for?

The job of being a headteacher is a varied and at times tough job to get right every day.  However, when I stood back and watched the inspection taking place and clearly saw the passion and dedication from literally everyone involved, from Trust level to the staff and children in the school, it was an extremely proud moment.  The staff are some of the most dedicated, talented and hardworking staff that I have ever had the privilege of working with.

Our school vision is, growing in faith; flourishing through hope and aspiration; reaching out in love and community', so perhaps the best comment of all was the confirmation that the pupils, 'embody the school's vision to 'reach out in love and community'.

Once Ofsted leave, it can feel a little flat after all of that adrenalin and the long days.  After a good sleep, we carried on and will ensure that this amazing small rural church school, with a rich history, keeps on going from strength to strength.


A virtual visit to Truro Cathedral 

It is interesting to think about all of the things that have changed in a positive way since the pandemic.  One of the good things for a small church school like Trenode, is that it has given us easier access to our wider community, both in Cornwall and further afield.  On Tuesday, we came together as a whole school to join other Cornish church schools for a 'Choristers' Mega Zoom Assembly' at Truro Cathedral.  It was the first time that Trenode have taken part and despite the usual few technology issues we all enjoyed taking part.

We were able to watch the choristers rehearse and sing and then we took part in a service that looked at Psalm 23 - 'The Lord is my Shepherd'.  As well as a sermon from an archdeacon, we listened to different versions of the same psalm and joined in with the singing and prayer.  Two of our pupils read the prayers that they had written and this was a proud moment.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my family who always make me feel better when I am upset.
Thank you for sending me such a kind and generous family, who are always there for me.
Help me to be a good and kind sibling too.

Dear Lord,
Help me to have the patience to help those around me.
Help me to have the right words to say.
Help me to treat others as I would like to be treated.
Please give us the skill to notice when someone needs help.

I am sure you will agree that these are beautiful prayers.  It was an occasion that we will join again, but it was made even better this time as we had the company of our CEO Mr Massey and we even caught him singing in a very high voice - the choristers certainly make it look easy!


Truro Cathedral Visit 

We had tried to visit Truro Cathedral on many occasions, but sadly the pandemic and staff absence had prevented this.  We were therefore delighted to finally be able to make the visit.  As you can see from the pic-collage, the children had a wonderful experience, including to play the organ!  We really enjoy it when our school is able to celebrate it's Church of England heritage and we learn a great deal when visitors come.  We have been very pleased to welcome our new rector, Reverend Ben Morgan-Lundie and two of our pupils had the honour of being present at his licensing service held during half-term.  It becomes even more special when the children can experience the cathedral and begin to understand why a cathedral is built like it is and who all of the various people are who serve God as part of their work.  An very inspiring and spiritual day that has given us lots to think about back in school. 


Can you swim on dry land? 

The children at Trenode made a great job of acting as the waves while our two RNLI visitors helped to rescue two of the children in distress on their body boards!  We are really enjoying having visitors into school again and now that the weather is improving and a few of the children have at least dipped their toes into the sea, this was a very timely visit. 

The talk was very interactive and the children were helped to understand how floating can help them if they are in distress and how to call for help using their voice and hands at the same time.  They also learned about the dangerous rip tide currents that could take them out to sea, with some great advice on how to make sure this doesn't happen.  Finally they were reminded how to use 999 or 112 if they see someone in distress.  

Living in this beautiful part of the country is a privilege but it is also so important that the children learn how to repsect where they live and to understand the dangers of the sea, at the same time as using it as an amazing playground and adventure opportunity.

I have no doubt that we will be seeing some of these children wearing those yellow shirts on the beach one day, helping others and doing their bit to be courageous advocates; serving the community in which they live.


We love to read books 

We are a little 'late to the party' on this, but we had a wonderful World Book day again this year.  We started the day with a reading breakfast in the school hall.  Parents joined us for the event and we read together while eating toast and drinking juice.

The theme for the day this year was words, so everyone was encouraged to come dressed as a 'word'.  It was interesting that so many of the children chose a sleep themed word, including Mrs David, who was many sleep and comfort themed words throughout the day!  The word of the day went to Mrs Burrows, one of our lovely TAs, who came as 'MAGNARA'.  Can you guess who she was?

... ANAGRAM of course!  We also celebrated the fact that World Book day is 25 years old this year and we reflected on the theme for the year based on reading for joy.

We love to sing at Trenode, but we think we might like reading just that little bit more!


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We are passionate about learning.



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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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