Head's Blog

End of Summer term 1

Year 6 SATS

A huge well done to our 2 Year 6 pupils for completing their SATs. They came in early for breakfast and revision and applied themselves tremendously making everyone proud. We then celebrated by taking them to McDonalds on Friday (at their request) and they had the afternoon outside playing and relaxing which was very well deserved. I'd like to say a special thanks to all the staff during SATs week who allowed Mr. Abraham and myself to support Year 6 and to all the children who showed respect, patience, and support during this time.


We have now finished our swimming lessons for this year for the whole school. The children have progressed very well over the weeks but we'd still like to encourage parents to take their children swimming to become even more confident. Living by the coast, means that this is a life skill and we want to children to be confident and safe when swimming. We finished the swimming sessions looking at what to do if you are not safe in the water and how to get help or help others. 

Upcoming Assessments for other year groups

Week commencing 10th June - Year 1 phonics screening. Children will read 40 words as part of this assessment to assess their understanding of sounds and word recognition. Please continue to read with your child as much as possible, to support their fluency skills.

Week commencing 10th June - Year 4 multiplication check. Children will have to recall 25 multiplication questions on an iPad with 6 seconds to answer each question. Please use the QR code which was sent out to practice this with your child. Also, you can use TTRockstars to build up their speed and confidence


Freezer Fri-Yay has already brought in over £120 over the last 4 weeks and we'd like to thank-you for this support. It has been a very big hit with the children. We will continue with this until the end of the summer term.

Our school disco raised just over £90 last week!

The PTFA bought board games for the school as part of our social skills development once a week. School council took ownership of collating the games requests and they are being enjoyed thoroughly each week.

We will be looking at booking in an alternative sports day including mini-segways in first half term back for the whole school using money raised by the PTFA in the summer term. 


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Trenode is a small but growing primary school situated between Liskeard and Looe. Extensive grounds allow for a range of outdoor learning experiences; we also have spacious indoor facilities, including a music room. A nurturing, family ethos, in mixed-age classes, enables our pupils to be challenged as individuals.

‘Reach beyond your grasp’ is our motto at Trenode. We would like all children to aspire further than they think they can! We are on a ‘Visible Learning’ journey, with the other schools in Bridge Schools, which is empowering our pupils to be able to discuss their learning and progress, understanding their ‘next steps’.


Head of school:
Bethany Pike

PL13 1QA

01503 240235

Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.