Posted 29/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
We hope you're all getting excited for the Polperro Lanterns Parade tomorrow... I know we are! The children have worked tremendously hard and created lots of fabulous lanterns! It was incredibly lovely to watch how the older children helped the younger children decorate them. Such an amazing bunch of personalities we have here at Polperro!
Year 5 have been working their way through multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. We've been learning how to organise the calculation and discussing why the place holder is important and necessary. Eg. 3 2 4
x 2 3
Year 4 have been looking at factors and discovering which factor pairs make a product. EG... 3 x 4 = 12 (3 and 4 are our factor pairs and 12 is the product).
Talland have been looking at the differences as similarities between the Athenians and the Spartans as they prepare to write their persuasive letter urging their people to fight in the great Peloponnesian War.
We had lots of fun experimenting with sound with the use of a drum, a beater and some corn... amongst other instruments. Talland now know that sound is created by vibration and sound does not travel in a straight line.
What Christmas Means To Me:
Talland and Chaipel have been getting to grips with our Christmas Production. I've enjoyed sitting in my directors chair and shouting CUT, whilst both classes have done a fine job at learning their lines... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK EVERYONE!
Well done to the year 5 Playground Leaders who have been organising and helping children with activities during Lunch times. Great job Archie and Thomas for bringing in some fantastic artefacts and homework, creating an abundance of curiosity amongst our class. And of course, congratulations to our superstar 99 clubbers for passing their 99 club this week: Flora, Arnie, Leo, Skye, Tabbi and Archie.
That's all from Talland this week. We hope you have a fantastic weekend and see you tomorrow for the Polperro Lantern Parade.
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
P.S Year 5 will continuing looking at last weeks spellings.
Posted 29/11/2024
by Sara McKillop
I think we can certainly say the highlight of this week was going to the cinema on Tuesday to see 'The Wild Robot'. We have been greatly looking forward to this since we read the book last half term. We handed out the tissues as we knew there'd be some tears, and Miss Henning certainly had a few! It was a lovely film, highly recommended. We will be writing film reviews soon!
Also this week, we published our Earthquake non-chronological reports - they're looking amazing!
We finished our unit of Maths on Area (Year 4) and are about to start on Multiplication and Division!
In Science, we drew diagrams of the 3 states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. Can you remember how the particles move in each?
In Geography, we have designed our earthquake proof buildings, ready to build them in the coming weeks!
Phew! What a week, as always!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
Posted 29/11/2024
by David Hannah
A huge well done to our trio of very talented artists whose Christmas card designs have been chosen by the Archdeacon of Bodmin as the official diocese design for this year. Every child in the school entered the competition and once again we were blown away by the children's creativity and artistic talent.
Posted 29/11/2024
by Katie Grinsted
This week Tregantle Class have been getting brilliant at being 'Teamwork Tigers.' The children have been learning about how to be a good partner and group member; we have been taking turns, listening to our friends and talking respectfully to each other. This has meant that we have accomplished some amazing things! One team of children worked together to complete a large dinosaur puzzle. They then made it into a 'dino world' by adding a wall and toy dinosaurs. Another group of children used their teamwork skills to build a whole village in the construction area. There was such attention to detail including a swimming pool and a park! Another group of teamwork tigers went to the creative area and and worked together to make a spectacular volcano. The writing table has also been very busy this week as so many children are now using their knowledge of sounds to build words. We have seen some incredible independent writing - well done Tregantle teamwork Tigers!
Posted 29/11/2024
by Vicky Lake
This term our enquiry question is 'What is it like here?' with a focus on Geography and mapping skills.
Posted 29/11/2024
by Sonia Norris
We had another assembly on Tuesday about the upcoming reindeer run in aid of St Luke’s Hospice. The children remembered our visitor and were keen to find out more. The sponsorship forms should have come home this week in readiness for the run on Wednesday. Again, as the children were reminded, there is no obligation to raise any sponsorship in order to take part. We know that times are still hard for many families and anything that can be spared will go to St Luke’s. If it is only a few pence in spare change, please attach it to the form and send it back. On Wednesday, the children will run around the school grounds wearing their antlers to keep fit, have fun and hopefully raise some money.
I would like to say a huge thank-you from the school and PTFA for the kind donations for the Christmas hamper raffle. This is always popular and looking at the donations from the non-uniform day today, the hampers this year will be as good as ever! If you have any other donations, please feel free to drop them into the office.
As part of the Liskeard Lights Up festival tomorrow, the children have been busy making lanterns that those families able to go to the festival will be able to take along. They look amazing and the children took such pride in creating them. Also, to celebrate the festival and Cornish heritage, we welcomed Maureen and Rod from the Cornish Language group into school on Wednesday for a lesson in Cornish. It is great to see the language still spoken and the children had a great time. Thank-you so much to them both for giving up their time.
On Thursday afternoon, some of our KS2 children were selected to attend a Football Tournament at Callywith College, they all had a fantastic time and came 5th overall. Well done!
Posted 29/11/2024
by Sonia Norris
It's hard to believe that we only have 4 days left of this first half term. It feels like yesterday that the children were
coming into their new classes after the summer break. We are all very proud of the way that the children have
worked hard and applied themselves to the learning this half term. What an amazing place Darite is to work.
I am looking forward to seeing some of you next week for our first parent consultation evenings. This is a chance for
you to find out how the children have settled into this year and ask any questions. If you have any concerns at
any time, please let us know and we will try to help out. Because of this, there are no clubs running next week.
Good luck to the children running in the first cross-country race this afternoon. Hopefully the weather stays dry and
it's not too muddy!
A reminder also that next Friday is an INSET day and school will be closed to children. The staff will be having some
training alongside the other schools in the trust on how to make writing even better
Posted 29/11/2024
by Sonia Norris
It's the end of week 3 and learning is in full swing at Darite. Class 2 have been coding wearable technology for their DT sessions and Class 1 have been doing some fantastic writing. The children also have enjoyed their session of Wild Tribe this afternoon. It is a great time to see the children working cooperatively together to work and learn outside. I have also invited children to bring in any achievements they have done outside of school to celebrate in our Friday assembly. If they have progressed in a Judo belt, been awarded a trophy or certificate, they are welcome to bring it in to celebrate on Friday. Thank-you to those who have managed to book a slot for the parent consultations this half term. It is an opportunity for Mrs Lake and myself to give you a little information about how the children have settled into the new year. Appointments can be booked using Arbor but, as always, if these times are not convenient or you have any other questions, please let Mrs Norris know in the office and we can see how we can help. Please make sure that you keep yourself up to date with upcoming events from the newsletter or website. Next week is our whole-school trip to Pendennis Castle.
Posted 29/11/2024
by Michele Spencer
Well done to our 6 year 5 and 6 pupils who represented the school so well at the Bridge Schools' interschools football tournament on Thursday. They showed all of our values and encouraged each other right to the end finishing with a well-deserved win in the final game. Well done to you all for really going for it and working as a team so well!
Posted 29/11/2024
by Rebecca Marshall
It has been the most wonderful time of the year with so many fantastic Christmas events taking place across the whole school. This week, the children have enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch thanks to our wonderful Caterlink staff. The children in Years One and Two have performed their 'Fleece Force' show to their families. It was a brilliant Nativity performance and the children really made us all very proud.
The children in our Performing Arts Club visited the local care home to share Christmas carols and were joined by a group of children from Key Stage Two who had written lovely letters for some of the elderly people. We had hoped to spread some Christmas kindness and the children certainly achieved that, bringing smiles to the people of Hillcrest Care Home.
On Wednesday the Performing Arts Club also shared their performance with their parents and it was truly wonderful.
"It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas..."
Posted 29/11/2024
by Rebecca Hughes
Some of this week’s exploring and learning:
In English this week we started to explore the story Lost
and Found. The children have been learning this story through listening to the
book, watching the video and using a story map in class. The children made
stick puppets of the characters this week and then used their oracy skills to
retell the story. They have really enjoyed exploring this story.
This week in maths the children having been subitising 4 and
5 and also ensuring they have mastered counting on and back to 5. We sang lots
of counting on and back songs and read some lovely counting stories.
In phonics this week we have been reviewing, revisiting and
writing letters, e/u/r and diagraph ck/
The children have also been making magical castles from
building blocks, learning how to draw a teddy bear by practicing their pencil
grip and pencil control and, printing with ink. We have also been watching Toy
Story and using our imaginations to design toys that may come alive when we are
at home! Next week we will make our toys!
Have a wonderful weekend
The Foundation Team
Posted 28/11/2024
by Darren Woolner
As November comes to an end so does another incredibly busy week of learning at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy. Take a peek at this week's Brunel Bulletin to keep up-to-date with all of our latest news and events.
Posted 28/11/2024
by Julie Peat
We have finished exploring how we use maths in nursery this week. The children have been busy creating number caterpillars and writing numbers and making marks that represent their numbers. On the funky fingers table we have been sorting colours and shapes into the correct bags.
The children have been busy exploring the playdough and have used the rolling pins and cutters to create different shapes.
In cooking this week, the children practiced spreading and cutting skills when making sandwiches to take home.
At story time, we have enjoyed number books including “Ten in the bed” and “Five minutes peace”.
In phonics we have listened to the story of “The Enormous Turnip” and then identified and made different sounds heard from it. We have sorted initial sounds into groups and have been identifying rhyming words.
Have a great weekend
The nursery team.
Posted 28/11/2024
by Rebecca Marshall
Our Year 2 class have had been on a fantastic trip to Morwellham Quay to discover what it was like to live in a Victorian Village. They have been on the mine train and had a school experience in the Victorian Classroom, they were fascinated by the punishments used by the Victorian teachers and really enjoyed writing on the slates with the slate pencils. When they were able to dress up in costume they really did look the part and it made the experience even more authentic.
Posted 28/11/2024
by David Hannah
On Wednesday, students from Trenode Primary Academy joined Class 3 for an afternoon of football skills and matches. Despite the slightly muddy pitch the afternoon was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was wonderful seeing the children from both schools mixing together and having so much fun.
Posted 27/11/2024
by Julie Pearce
This tiny fundraising team has smashed it by raising £80 to
support Children in Need. They have baked, made posters, decorated cakes and
eaten spare sweets to save us from tidying them up! Watching them sell
their little cakes was a pleasure as they were so proud, and rightly so! Well
done, Storytellers team!
Posted 27/11/2024
by Rebecca Brewer
Dear all!
We have had another busy week! In maths, the children are still learning about addition and subtraction - please do not forget to check the assignments set on mathletics!
In English, we are doing poetry based on "The Winters Child" story. It will be an acrostic poem and the children will read their poems to each other at the end of the week.
Both Year groups have now been to Morewellham Quay for their school trip. It was amazing! The children dressed up in Victorian Clothes and then went to Victorian School where the teacher was very strict! They had to use slate and practise their handwriting! Then the children went on the mine train and had lots of fun!
We are beginning to practise the Christmas performances so please help your child to practise their lines when you receive them!
Thank you!
Posted 27/11/2024
by Cathrine Pittas
A big thank you to all families. We have managed to collect such a fantastic array of items for our Christmas Shoebox collections. What a special chance for us to take part in making a difference in our community. Mrs Davies will be taking bags of goodies to the homeless shelter to pass on to those who want and need these items.
Parent Partnership Meetings
Thank you for meeting with us last week. If you have not yet made an appointment to come and have a conversation about your child, please feel free to do this and we will meet at the earliest possible time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do feel that you can come and ask at any time.
Craft Afternoon.
Please come one and all. Year 3/4 crafter afternoon is next Monday PM. (2.12.24). All are welcome!
Christmas Celebrations
Our Christmas celebration is on Monday 9th December 9.30 for 1 hour. Please come and join us for a sing and watch our contributions.
Miss Pittas
Posted 27/11/2024
by Samantha Davies
I will blog tomorrow to showcase some amazing writing in English this week but today I am so thankful for our community. Check out the picture below which shows what we collected with the school council today from our mufti-day. What an incredible amount donated from all of you wonderful people across the school. Your school councilors and pupils are so thankful. One very proud Mrs Davies today.
Posted 27/11/2024
by Jasmine Bolger
We haven’t let the storm stop us this week. We finished our learning journey in English through toasting marshmallows. Our learning journey was all based around following instructions. Year 1 learnt about time conjunctions and imperative (bossy!) verbs, whilst Foundation sequenced different sets of instructions and used their phonics sounds to read bossy verbs. We then wrote our instructions to toast marshmallows and had so much fun following them outside. Mr Liddiment lit the fire and the children told each other the instructions. They were very tasty!
Year 1 have also been writing some fantastic number sentences in Maths. We have been using part-whole models to add together, and to take away. Year 1 have worked really hard to get the right numbers in the sentence and remember their + sign and their = sign!
Foundation have been recognising the numbers 4 and 5 this week. They had two different coloured hoops on the floor with the numbers 4 and 5 in them and they had to recognise these numbers on different pictures and sort them into the correct hoops. They have also been testing each other on recognising the number super quick when someone holds it up!
We have been having lots of fun outside this week. We have used our building blocks to build a town. The children told me that they had built Looe! We have also been using peg boards and other resources to make our favourite toys.
Well done Foundation / Year 1. What a lovely week.
Foundation / Year 1 Team
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.